打ち砕かれた策 Disintegrating Plans
Holy Mausoleum
Late Night
バルタザール: ……アルファルド。きっと、後悔するぞ。
Balthus: You're gonna regret this, Aelfric.
アルファルド: 元より承知の上ですよ。彼女さえ取り戻せるのなら、私は何も求めない。
Aelfric: I accepted the regret I might feel from this long ago. As long as she returns, nothing else matters.
Yuri, if you think you'll be pulling anything funny, think again.
The Knights of Seiros won't save you. No doubt they're indisposed right now on some mission or other.
ユーリス: ……ああ、そうかい。そいつは残念だ。
Yuri: Well, that's a damn shame.
The whole evil villain look really doesn't suit someone as "pious" as you, Aelfric. Heh heh...
ハピ: ユリー……ハピなら……
Hapi: Yuri-bird, I could―
ユーリス: ……待て。まだ早い。
Yuri: Not yet.
アルファルド: さあ、儀式に取り掛かりましょう。彼らを指示した場所へ運びなさい。
Aelfric: It is time. Take them.
Your blood will pour forth, filling the chalice.
ユーリス: ッ……。本当に……あんたって奴は愚かだよ……。
Yuri: You really are a fool...
アルファルド: ……君は良く働いてくれました。灰狼の学級の動向を逐一報告してくれた。
Aelfric: You were diligent, Yuri. You kept me abreast of all the Ashen Wolves' movements.
As recompense for being such a good student of my flock, I will gladly hear any final words from you.
ユーリス: ……そんなもんはねえよ。俺様はここでくたばるような小物じゃねえ。
Yuri: Heh, that's fresh. If you knew me at all, you'd know these won't be my final words.
I'm simply biding my time.
アルファルド: 待っている……?
Aelfric: For what...
ユーリス: 主が舞い降りる音を、な。……そら、来るぞ。
Yuri: For the goddess's descent. Can you hear it? She's coming.
アルファルド: 鐘の音……?このような夜更けに、なぜ……?
Aelfric: Bells? This late at night?
ユーリス: 白銀の騎士たちが、牢から罪無き者たちを解き放った合図だ。
Yuri: Yeah, you hear that, Aelfric? That's the sound of your demise. The knights are releasing my people as we speak.
The ones you locked up and hid away.
アルファルド: なぜその場所を……いや、そもそも騎士団は……!
Aelfric: How did you know about that― Wait, the Knights of Seiros?!
ユーリス: はは、言ったろ……あんた、本当に悪役面が似合ってないってよ。
Yuri: Heh heh... Like I said, the evil villain look really doesn't suit you.
I know it was you who sent me on that mission that ultimately lead to me landing in Abyss.
Overall, your execution was lacking. Lady Rhea has been on to you as well.
Oh, and just so you know, I've been working for her since before I ever began working for you.
She had me keeping an eye on you. Told me to inform her if you seemed to be planning anything.
アルファルド: な……!?
Aelfric: You!
ユーリス: ……だが、あんたは俺の身内を人質に、俺の行動を縛った。
Yuri: But you took those I care most about hostage, which limited my options.
You chained up the Wolves and kept a tight grip on my rogues in Abyss to ensure I wouldn't betray you.
I struggled with whether or not to tell her everything. After all, my allies' lives were on the line.
I deliberated on what to do next, knowing I'd have to rely on my own cunning to see this through.
I waited for the chance I could rescue my mother and allies. All while paying lip service to you.
Until today. The day you pulled all your forces in so you could attempt this ritual.
You're no villain, with that sticky conscience you call a heart tripping you up. Not like me.
アルファルド: ………………。
Aelfric: ...
I see. You were one step ahead of me all this time.
It matters not. The ritual has begun. There's no stopping it now.
You will all die. Just a bit longer.
ユーリス: そう上手くは事が……
Yuri: Don't think for a moment―
バルタザール: は、こ、ば、ねえ……よっ!
Balthus: That you're getting off easy, pal!
Seriously, Boss. Did you have to tie us up so tightly?
ユーリス: 悪いな。お前なら、切れ目さえ入れときゃ適当に引き千切ってくれると思って。
Yuri: Heh heh... Sorry, Balthus. I figured those little tears would be enough for you to break through the rope.
バルタザール: ったく、無茶言うぜ。こちとら血を抜かれてフラフラだってのに。
Balthus: I may be the Unbeatable King of Grappling, but I'm also bleeding profusely...
You didn't wonder why it was taking me so long? Think next time, yeah?
コンスタンツェ: は……話についていけませんけれど。とにかく! 私たちの縄もほどきなさい!
Constance: I haven't the slightest what you two are jabbering on about, but please untie our ropes as well.
ユーリス: 自分で頼むぜ?さっき沈黙の魔法は解いておいたからな。
Yuri: You're talking. Do it yourself. I dispelled the silence from you ages ago, or hadn't you noticed?
コンスタンツェ: あ、あら?本当ですわね!
Constance: Oh! I see!
ハピ: 自由になったのはいいんだけどさ、何かこれまだ血を吸われてない?
Hapi: It's great that we're not tied up anymore and all that, but we're still being actively drained...
アルファルド: この日のため、私は万全を期した。私財も私兵もすべてを投じた……
Aelfric: I've invested everything to ensure my success today. My private funds, a veritable army...
Surround them! Don't let them escape! The ritual will not be stopped.
veritable 正真正銘の なので、私兵ではなく正規軍か?yupeco.icon
コンスタンツェ: くうっ……! 拘束は解いたというのに、なぜ止まらないんですの!?
Constance: Ugh! Why won't it cease? We are freed, and yet our blood still drains from us?
ユーリス: こいつは……うん、予定外だ!不味いな! はははは!
Yuri: Hmmm. Well, this wasn't part of the plan. Haha!
コンスタンツェ: 笑っている場合ではありませんわ!私たちの命が吸われているんですのよ!
Constance: This is no laughing matter! Our very lives are ebbing away!
ユーリス: 待て待て、焦るな。予定外にも備えるのが、俺ってもんだろ?
Yuri: Stop panicking, Constance. You know I'm never unprepared.
バルタザール: なるほどねえ。おれにも、秘策の足音ってやつが聞こえてきたぜ!
Balthus: Hey, you've always got a trick up your sleeve, don't ya? I can hear your secret plan running our way.